Start Accepting Credit Cards TODAY!

The BankCard USA Difference

BankCard USA is a Direct Processing bank – we are not resellers. We process all forms of electronic payment transactions – credit, debit, electronic check, electronic funds transfer and alterative payments. As a boutique provider, our customers consistently state that BankCard USA is the most exceptional payment processing company they’ve ever worked with. From our management, team of sales people, support representatives, developers and support staff, excellence is a standard, not an exception.

We have established payment services to over 100,000 merchants.


Marcos Vega

Merchant Account Advantages
With BankCard USA

Chargebacks & Mitigation Tools

No Reserve with BankCard USA


PCI Compliance & Regulation

BankCard USA’s Painless Onboarding Process

BankCard USA’s White Glove Customer Service

Eliminate The Middleman

Eliminate the Middle Man

The Other Guys


Is your credit card processor an agent? If so, you may be paying more than you should each month for credit card processing


Are you being told your business is “high risk”? If so, you may be paying more than you should each month for credit card processing


Is your monthly credit card processing statement crystal clear? If not, you may be paying more than you should each month for credit card processing

The Other Guys

The BankCard USA Difference

Substantial reduction in pricing with Bank Direct Rates

Higher level of Service with increased Efficiency and Communication

We are The Bank so you deal directly with the people who actually process your transactions