Is your credit card processor an agent? If so, you may be paying more than you should each month for credit card processing
Are you being told your business is “high risk”? If so, you may be paying more than you should each month for credit card processing
Is your monthly credit card processing statement crystal clear? If not, you may be paying more than you should each month for credit card processing
By establishing a BANK DIRECT processing relationship, you gain access to…
Substantial reduction in pricing with Bank Direct Rates
Higher level of Service with increased Efficiency and Communication
We are The Bank so you deal directly with the people who actually process your transactions
BankCard USA, is a leading provider of merchant services since 1993. We offer credit card processing products and services for new and existing businesses. Accept payments online through a payment gateway, in store with a credit card terminal, over the phone via virtual terminal, or on the go using a mobile credit card processing app. Whether you need a low or high risk merchant account, omnichannel payment services for a large company or simply a credit card machine for a small business, we work with you to find the best payment processing solution to suit your unique business needs and goals. Of the thousands of credit card processing companies, we guarantee the lowest credit card processing fees through our bank-direct program. Accept credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, electronic checks and electronic funds transfers with a solution designed with your business in mind today. We have established payment services to over 100,000 merchants.
Contact BankCard USA today to simplify your credit card processing and start saving money.